26 April 2012

Creating optimized landing pages

A landing page is a dedicated website page that a visitor will reach after they have clicked on a link or an online ad. Landing pages are usually used with optimized pay per click (PPC) campaigns. With a landing page, you can display your ultimate sales pitch to the visitor. It provides detailed information on what you are offering and a landing page should always be designed to get your visitor to take an action.
An optimized landing page can convert a higher percentage of your visitors into buyers or leads. What makes a great landing page so powerful? It answers these questions; Who is this for? What problem are you solving? What is your offer? What solution will work? How am I going to get started?
Here’s a couple of tips to help you create the best landing pages

Landing page optimization tips

Highly relevant: Your landing page should always be highly relevant. Repeat the text in your ad in the headline and content of the page. What you are offering should match your online ad. Avoid using different content in your ad and your landing page as this will confuse the visitor.
Simplify: Make it easy for the visitor to take an action on the landing page. Don’t provide them with multiple options that will confuse them. Eliminate all the irrelevant page navigation and optimize it towards the action you want them to take. You can organize your content into a simple visual format that is very quick to read and understand.
Action: Always make the call to action on the page clear and visible. Provide an easy path for the visitors to request information or buy. Make sure your CTA button stands out from the rest of the content.
Minimum information: For the forms you are using, request only minimum information that you require. If you require too much inforamtion that isn’t necessary, many people will abandon the form and leave the landing page.
Trust: Offer guarantees and information on your landing pages. Have a returns policy and include client testimonials from your current customers. Also include trust logos from the organizations that you belong to. Reassure your landing page visitors that their information will not be shared and always be private. Include your address and telephone number on the landing page.

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