30 July 2012

The rules of search engine optimization

With all the latest updates on Google, search engine optimization (SEO) has a really bad reputation to many online marketers. Many people simply don’t trust SEO’s due mostly to bad advice these people often give. Some of those “internet marketers” are really shady characters that doesn’t have any ethics. You will find many people that are giving out advice based on articles they have read on blogs and they have outdated information regarding SEO.
One piece of advice that is often spoken about and that shouldn’t be is to change your search engine optimization tactics and strategy based on all the search engine algorithm updates such as the Penguin and Panda updates by Google. To be honest, if you are changing your SEO strategy all the time based on these updates, then you are most likely not doing SEO correctly to start with.

Good and solid SEO

Good and solid SEO has always relied on one good strategy; write good content for humans – not robots. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t focus on the search engines, you should, but just not first.
In plain English: The content that you use for your on page optimization should be written for human visitors and not the search engines. This simply means that you shouldn’t overdo any optimization part of your website to focus only on the search engines. Yes you should still optimize your websites, but don’t overdo it. Focus first on the people visiting your website before you are going to focus on the search engines.
Most website owners that saw their precious organic rankings drop was because their websites were over optimized and they listened to bad and negative SEO advice. Search engine optimization is exactly the same as it was five years ago with a few different options. It will be the same a few years from now. Practice good SEO methods and you will reap the rewards.

27 July 2012

25 Tips for Marketing Your Blog

Online content that you publish is one of your most valuable assets on the web. By sharing your content online you can enhance your company’s brand, broadcast your message across the web and demonstrate your expertise to name but a few benefits. Did you know that you can allow the visitors of your website or blog to share your content with others?Internet Marketing is a definite must for any business. Have a look at the below article I found ontoprankblog.com with tips for marketing your blog.
With so many blogs being created every day, it’s a mystery to many bloggers how to make their blog stand out. There are many types of blogs or purposes for blogs and a certain number of tactics are applicable to just about all of them.Some companies choose to hire a blog consultant, but others like to try things internally. For those “DIY” companies and individuals interested in practical tips for marketing and optimizing a business blog, try out the following list of blog marketing and optimization tips:
  1. Decide on a stand alone domain name www.myblog.com or directory of existing site www.mysite.com/blog. Sub domain is also an option blog.mysite.com. Avoid hosted services that do not allow you to use your own domain name!
  2. Obtain and install customizable blog software – WordPress and Moveable Type are my favorites.
  3. Customize blog look and feel templates – aka design.
  4. Research keywords and develop a glossary – Keyword Discovery, WordTracker, SitePoint, SEOBook Keyword Research.
  5. Optimize the blog:
    • Template optimization – RSS subscription options, social bookmark links, HTML code, Unique title tags, URLs, Sitemap
    • Add helper plugins specific to WordPress or MT
    • Create keyword rich categories (reference your keyword glossary)
  6. Enable automatic trackback and ping functionality.
  7. Create Feedburner Pro account and enable feed tracking.
  8. Setup a Google account for Sitemap, validate and prep for future submission.
  9. Identify authoritative blogs, web sites and hubs for outbound resource links and blogroll.
  10. Format archived posts, related posts.
  11. Enable statistics for tracking – Google Analytics, ClickTracks.
  12. Submit RSS feed and Blog URL to prominent RSS and Blog directories / search engines.
  13. Engage in an ongoing link building campaign.
  14. If podcast or video content are available, submit to Podcast and Vlog directories.
  15. Submit blog url to paid directories with categories for blogs – Yahoo, BOTW, bCentral, WOW, JoeAnt.
  16. Optimize and distribute a press release announcing blog.
  17. Request feedback or reviews of your blog in relevant forums, discussion threads. If you have a resourceful post that will help others, point to it.
  18. Research and comment on relevant industry related blogs and blogs with significant centers of influence.
  19. Post regularly. If it’s a news oriented blog, 3-5 times per day. If it’s an authoritative blog, 3-5 times per week, but each post must be unique and high value.
  20. Monitor inbound links, traffic, comments and mentions of your blog – Google Alerts, Technorati, Blogpulse, Yahoo News, Ask Blogs and Feeds.
  21. Always respond to comments on your blog and when you detect a mention of your blog on another blog, thank that blogger in the comments of the post.
  22. Make contact with related bloggers on AND offline if possible.
  23. When making blog posts always cite the source with a link and don’t be afraid to mention popular bloggers by name. Use keywords in the blog post title, in the body of the post and use anchor text when you link to previous posts you’ve made.
  24. Use social networking services, forums and discussion threads to connect with other bloggers. If they like your stuff, they will link to you.
  25. Remember when web sites were a new concept and the sage advice to print your web address everywhere you print your phone number? The same advice applies for your blog.
  26. If your blog’s goal is to promote you as an authority, interview other prominent bloggers in your industry. Your own credibility will improve by association.
  27. Build out your online networks through services such as MyBlogLog, Twitter and Facebook and leverage them to promote particularly useful content on your blog.
  28. Once your blog has 1000 or more subscribers, show your Feedburner badge
  29. Host images with Flickr making sure to include an anchor text link in the image description back to the post where the image is used.
  30. Use your blog to gain press/media credentials at relevant industry conferences and use the event to create content, connections and increase your knowledge.
What would you add to this list?

25 July 2012

6 Posts That Build Engagement on Facebook

Social Media Marketing (SMM) is about sustaining lasting relationships and about creating new ones. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Well it can be, if you use the right tools and most importantly, never give up. Building a strong and successful Social Media campaign takes time and a lot of patience. But in the end it is totally worth it as you will see your hard work paying off with excellent results. Below is an article I came across on Mashable with ways to help you build engagement on Facebook.
When Mark Zuckerberg first built Facebook, the purpose of it was to keep people connected with their friends. That was its first purpose. And it worked well.
As Facebook grew, its purpose grew to accommodate businesses. Hence the addition of Facebook pages for brands. But many brand page admins make the mistake of thinking of Facebook users as “friends” who will look at company posts simply because a company posts them.
That’s not true, and it’s not true because not all posts are created equal. Think of it this way, your business is not automatically friends with your audience. That only changes if you engage with them. Engagement on Facebook is reflected in three forms: likes, shares, and comments. Here are six ways to create the right type of engagement via posts for your brand.

1. Photos

We have all heard “A picture is worth a thousand words.” On Facebook, a picture could be worth a thousand likes. That’s because a picture is one of the simplest ways to catch someone’s attention, as it is more visually appealing than the average post. Think of it this way, when you are scrolling your news feed, isn’t it usually the large, colorful, images that get you to stop?
When it comes to brands, a familiar image is also key. Familiarity in an image is as simple as including your company logo or a face that’s tied to your brand. Including a shortened link for readers to click on, is also useful when it comes to engagement.
Social Fresh fully utilizes this to their advantage, as their pictures often come with shortened links. This helps to keep the focus on the interesting art, while also providing a way for the audience to get more information, if they want.

2. Fill in the Blanks

Fill-in-the-blank posts are great at sparking engagement. The blanks are essentially ‘platforms’ for people to share their creativity. These types of posts often garner fun and short comments, which then encourage your audience to react and interact.
Fancy Feast — a gourmet cat food brand — regularly creates these posts. The post in the image above received more than 170 likes, 407 comments, and twelve shares. Notice how the comments outnumber the likes.

3. Photo Captions

Photo captions bring the best of the two items above. All you have to do is post a photo and ask fans to come up with a caption.
The above is an example from National Geographic’s Facebook Page. They asked their audience to create a caption for this photo of a baby orangutan. It received more than 27,800 likes, 11,700 shares and 3,700 comments.

4. Questions

Most page admins make the mistake of updating their wall without putting much thought into adding a description or ending the description with a question. Asking questions is probably one of the easiest methods to get fans to comment and share their thoughts. Without asking a question, people might just read the article and move on.
Inc. Magazine posted an article with a question as its headline. In this case, the question requires that you give your feedback in the form of a personal story.
Alternatively, you can also ask simple questions. Questions that requires the audience to choose — which would you prefer? Left or Right? — are able to generate comments because its simplicity means that people would not need to spend much effort or time to comment.
Here is an example from Ideeli, a web retailer that specializes in flash sales.

5. Tips

Tips are ideas that fans are able to consume and implement easily. A tip is engaging because it gives value to your audience and therefore makes them more likely to react.
Here is an example from Mari Smith, a Facebook expert who shares great ideas and tips that add value to her community. Her tips are structured to help her community and are often written in a step-by-step process.


Quotes are one of the easiest and most popular ways to get likes and shares on Facebook. They tend to get more shares and likes compared to comments because quotes are often inspirational, making it personal in nature.
Here’s a great example from from Carolʼs Daughter, which received more than 7,910 shares and 22,141
likes. Inspired yet?
How are you currently engaging your audience on Facebook?

23 July 2012

What is the message of your website?

Is your website successful in sales or generating leads? Your website needs to tell a unique story that grabs your target audience and visitors attention. This story should guide them through your sales funnel and convince them that you have the best answer and solution to their need.
Website visitors arrive at your website looking for solutions and answers to problems they might have. What if your website can help them? Your website should tell a compelling story in a way that interests and engages your visitors. Find below a couple of tips that can help you with creating the message of your website.

Website message

Who is your target market?: You might have multiple audiences you are trying to target. As an example, a hardware website attracts both people looking for tool and manufacturers selling tools. Each will need their own pathway on the site with their own sales message crafted for them.
Create an outline: Start your message and story by creating an outline of all the pages that you will naturally follow in your sales funnel. How are you going to grab the attention of your audience, make an emotional connection to get them take an action. Write your outline in a storyboard and then connect your content plan with it.
Competition: What makes your services and products different to the ones of your competitors? What is your USP (unique selling point)? Present your USP proposition.
What is your plan: Do you want to get your visitors interested? Does your message motivate your audience to take an action? Do you provide any content so that they can learn how to use your solution? If you are lacking these on your website, change your plan and update your content to include these points.
It’s all in the headline: it is a fact that people scan a website page before they dig deeper. Communicate the essence of your offering with compelling headlines. Create headlines to tell your story and message in an easy to read way.
Keywords: Doesn’t matter how you look at it, keywords still plays the most important rule with internet marketing. Use keywords in your headlines and content. Your visitors used to them arrive at your website and they expect those keywords to be visible when they arrive to your website.
Content: Create your content so that it is easily readable. Avoid writing text book style. Create your content so that it is easily scannable using lists, and sub headings.
The message of your website should tell a story to your visitors. Use a message to encourage action by educating and convincing your visitors.

20 July 2012

Blogging Tips for Internet Marketing

Internet marketing ties together creative and technical aspects of the Internet, including: design, development, advertising, and sales. By encouraging your readers to share your content with others is a really powerful way to drive targeted traffic to extend your brand and to drive traffic to your website or blog. Take a look at this article below from themelib.com with tips for marketing your blog.

Blogging can be used for a lot of things but if you use wisely, you can utilize it to promote yourself on the internet. What we can say with certainty is that it is one of the most effective methods of reaching out to readers. Blogging allows you to share life experiences with your readers. Anyone who has a computer and internet connection can blog. Read below for some simple blogging tips for your internet marketing activities:
  • Regardless of the subject, your main goal is to build up your credibility as an expert in that area. You will also need to have links to the varioussocial networking sites on your blog so that you can create a network of links more easily.
  • The better your advice, the larger your audience will become. And the more audience you receive, the more readers will visit your site and use your blogging links. And who knows? If you get enough hits, major companies may even recognize your work’s value and try to get in touch with you.
  • Submit your links to social networking sites on your blog so that they can be Tweeted or StumbledUpon.
  • Use an excerpt from one of your blog posts in your email signature with a link to the post on your blog.
  • Get signup box for your viewers who wish to subscribe to your blog. You may also want to try offering a special information or gift to subscribers for signing up.
  • Ask for comments and feedbacks from your viewers. This is among the best ways of keeping tabs on their interest on your blog.
  • Join up with other blogs and blog networks. You can even invite other bloggers to post their stuff on your site. And if you want something a bit different, you can try interviewing other bloggers to hear what they have to say.
  • Use RSS for feeds and to add interest to your blog.
  • Pick your keywords carefully. Make sure that your blog posts are targeted towards the right keywords so that you can get additional traffic into your site.
  • Use Tweeter.
Although you’re not going to become an instant internet celebrity overnight, blogging is obviously a big help in your internet marketing arsenal.

18 July 2012

10 SEO Tips for Beginners

Search Engine Optimization(SEO). Sure, it is good to get some quick wins and early traffic to your site with Paid Search, but to run and win in the longer race you need strategic, sustained and quality search marketing. Never before has quality copy been so important. Randomly examine a bunch of sites that you browse regularly. If these are sites that actually encourage you to take the desired actions, they are most definitely good content sites. Mind you, “good” does not necessarily mean “a lot”. What it does mean is “compelling”.  Look at these tips from seocowboy.co.za.
Ok, so you want to get the basics right for your site and get some sort of visibility in Google. I have come up with a list of fairly simple SEO tips for beginners to get started. These simple changes may just jump you up the listing. You may not be in the number one spot on Google but I can assure you that this simple optimisation will increase your visibility.

1) Title Optimisation

Make sure that every page on your site has a unique title that is descriptive and precise. Try and fit everything you need to in 70 characters or less as Google does not really like very long titles. There is no need to put your company name in the title as Google will usually know this from browsing through your site, rather save this space for nice keyword phrases that best describe your page.
What makes a good title?
  • NEVER duplicate titles if you can help it, each page must have its own unique title.
  • Don’t make titles too long or short, about 70 characters is right.
  • Use proper English, don’t just bunch up keywords

2) Heading Tags

It is a good idea to make the heading of your page a

and make sure you only have one. Like the title you should make sure that this best describes the main topic of the page. Any sub topics can get a . It is sometimes a good idea to match your

tag with your title (these are allowed to be exactly the same).

3) Write natural quality content

One of the most important SEO tips one can learn is that the quality of your content is what ultimately gets you ranked in Google. DO NOT repeat words over and over. Write as naturally as possible. If you please the user with something that is interesting and easy to understand they will come back. Google knows if a visitor is interested in your content and keeps track of bounce your rate (when someone leaves your site without exploring). If your site becomes popular because of its content Google will reward you for being so popular.
What is good content?
  • Content that is simple and makes sense to the reader.
  • Try not to be too repetitive.
  • Offer some value to the reader that makes them want to come back
  • Make another option for the client once he has finished reading. eg. related article or call to action.
  • It is also a good idea to us a fresh content marketing strategy.

4) Create a sound structure

You can have the best looking site in the world but if it is too hard for a user to navigate then everything is lost before you even start. Always make sure that the most important parts of your site (products etc) can be found easily. Link to them directly from your home page as this is your strongest page. IT IS OK TO SCROLL! There is no need to put everything in a little box, the more content you have on your home page the better. I’m not saying you need to ramble on forever but you may want to mention briefly what is in each section of your site and then link to a target page.

5) Be social

It is important that you become active in social media and make use of serviceslike Twitter and Facebook to promote all that great content you have written.A great place to do this in South Africa is using a blog aggregator like myScoop or a micro-blogging platform like My Chatbox to post your new entries and tell the world what you have that is so cool. You may not be the most social person but Google is counting all your little rants and comments every time you link back to your site.

6) Don’t post to 1000′s of directories and Don’t submit to Google

One thing a beginner needs to learn very quickly is that posting to 1000′s of directories will do no more for SEO than waste your time while you could be writing more quality content. These submissions can get you into a lot of trouble as many of the auto-submit directories are considered unethical. Rather play around with social media more. I’m not saying that you must not put your info in directories or post articles on external sites, it is ok to do it in one or two key local directories but don’t  go posting in every directory possible and NEVER us an automated service.
Yes, I did say DON’T submit to Google! If Google finds your site through another website or through social media it will hold far more weight than saying “Google, look at me, here I am!”

7) Get rid of the keywords tag!

The keywords tag has never been used by Google and I feel it will get a beginner into more trouble than good so go ahead and remove it completely… just trust me on this one

8) Create a Webmaster tools account

Open yourself a Google Webmaster Tools account and create a profile for your account. This is a simple service that will tell you what Google thinks of your site and if it has come across any errors in its crawling process. It is always best to hear it from the horses mouth rather than guessing. You can also upload a XML sitemap into Webmaster Tools so Google knows exactly what is on your site.

9) Create an XML sitemap

If you are using WordPress just use the XML sitemap plugin otherwise you can manually create a XML sitemap here. Then upload the sitemap to your new Webmaster Tools account.

10) Stay away from Joomla!

If you want to use a CMS system then rather use WordPress, you can save yourself a lot of time by starting on a platform that is already SEO friendly. A theme like Thesis is great for any beginner as it has most SEO tools and plugins built in to it and the creator of the theme put a lot of SEO thought into the theme.  Joomla does SEO well BUT the amount of time and effort that needs to go into it is really not worth it. With Joomla you have to spend endless hours playing with modules and hacking for SEO just to get the same result Worpress does in minutes. Joomla also has a hard time with duplicate content.


Stick with quality content and write for your readers, make a great title that best describes what you just wrote and then publish your article to the world through social media. Like I said from the start… keep it simple.

16 July 2012

Starting with search engine optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO)isn’t rocket science. You only have to follow a couple of SEO methods that anyone can do if you would like to optimize your website. On page SEO optimization refers to everything you physically optimize on your website, and off page SEO relates to everything off of your physical website.
Search engine optimization is getting more important everyday as Google and other top search engines are still the most valuable and easiest way to find the content you are looking for. Find below a couple of tips that can help you get your website optimized after you have selected the keywords you will be targeting.

Search engine optimization tips

Page title: Use the most important keywords at the beginning of your meta title and follow it with the second most important keyword. Every page on your website should have a unique meta title and use keywords that are relevant and optimized for that page. Your meta titles should not be longer than 75 characters.
Headings: Use heading tags in your menu items and in the content of your pages. Heading tags can range from H1 to H6, but H1 tags are given the most importance by the search engines. The same as your meta title, use the most important keyword phrase in the beginning of your headings tag.
Page content: Use your keywords and long tail keywords in the content of your page. Each page on your website should have a minimum of 300 words. The content you use on your pages should be professionally written because you are writing for two audiences – the search engines and visitors. Your content should be direct, concise, clear, detailed, and factual.
Interlinking relevant pages: If you have a couple of pages related to one another, interlink them using keywords in your link anchor text. This will help you reinforce the content around focused keywords. Having a couple of pages that are related can yield many potential long tail phrases.
Linking: Get other websites to link to your content by only using compelling and original content. Links can be in the form of blog posts, websites, social media channels, and even directories. Ask them to add anchor text in the links back to your website with your keywords.
Measurement: Use measurement tools such as Google Analytics to measure and identify which keywords and phrases your website is attracting. Check for the number of visitors, time spent, and the bounce rate of your website. This will give you the ability to understand your visitors behavior. This will also help  you to measure the success of your internet marketing campaign.

13 July 2012

12 Things That Will Kill Your Blog Post

In Internet Marketingonlinecontent that you publish is one of your most valuable assets on the web. By sharing your content online you can enhance your company’s brand, broadcast your message across the web and demonstrate your expertise to name but a few benefits. Did you know that you can allow the visitors of your website or blog to share your content with others? Have e look at this article below that I found on seomoz.org that talks about thing that will kill your blog post.
Blogging is a lot like fishing. Some people do it all the time and never catch anything…while others catch everything.
Why is that? You know better than to say it is luck.
So let’s call it what it is…when you look around at successful blogs…whatever industry or topic…there are several undeniable basics to success.
And it starts with blog posts that kill it…rather than get killed. But what kills a blog post? Here’s a list of 12 things…ignore them and you will have a tough time being successful.

1. Crafting cute, clever or confusing headlines (or really bad ones)

Your headline is going to appear in many places. At the top of your post…
In search engine page results…
Feed readers…
And subject lines.
The goal of the headline is to stop readers cold and draw them into your post. You can’t do that if you use cute, clever or confusing headlines.
You can stop readers cold, however, if you write headlines that are unique, ultra-specific, useful or urgent.
As you can see, headlines can share multiple U qualities. The best ones often do.

2. Never linking to old posts

In the example above I linked to four older posts of mine. I did that for several reasons.
  1. They helped me prove my point.
  2. Those links drive traffic to those older posts…giving them new life.
  3. Those links contain keywords I want to rank high with.
  4. Links are one of the best ways to direct Google spiders through your site.
Just because you’ve published a post doesn’t mean you should forget about it. Each post is a valuable asset in which you can give new life to with each link.

3. Never linking to other bloggers

A long time ago I wrote a post without any links. It was an important topic…I was busy and just wanted to get the post out. I actually intended to go back and put in links when I had more time.
However, an influential blogger who had started reading my posts commented almost immediately. He said, “Don’t you want others to join the conversation?”
I immediately went back and put in links.
The value in linking out to other bloggers is three-fold:
  1. You draw others into the conversation – By linking to others opens yourself up to discussing the topic at hand. This allows you to listen and trade ideas with others, learning things you didn’t know before you started…and creating relationships.
  2. You give credit where credit is due – If you write something that is based on an idea that you got from somewhere else, you must link to that blogger. Its proper manners on the web.
  3. You get the authority juice – Inbound links no doubt have high impact on your search rankings. But so do outbound links…especially if you are linking to authority sites. Read my The 10 Golden Rules to Attracting Authority Links to learn more.

4. Forgetting to fill out your page title and description fields

You’ll screw any chances of your post ranking if you forget to fill out the page title and description fields for each post.
That meta data is critical to search engines crawling and indexing your site. And when you use keywords properly, it tells those spiders what the page is all about.
To make life easier on you, use a plug in like All-in-One SEO pack. In WordPress you’ll see this form at the bottom of each post:
That’s by far been the best plug in I’ve used. Here are some tips on creating good meta descriptions.
On top of that, your titles and descriptions have to be social friendly. For example, Jennifer from SEOmoz tried to share Nutella Day on Facebook and here is what happened:
If you want Facebook to pull in the right title and description, follow these steps.

5. Creating clunky URLs

Having the worst domain name is one thing. Creating clunky URLs for each post that people can’t read or search engines can’t index is another thing.
These are the worst offenders:
  • http://www.target.com/gp/detail.html/602-9912342-3046240?_encoding=UTF8&frombrowse=1&asin=B000FN0KWA
  • http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=98115&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1&iwloc=A
If you want to give your post a fighting chance in the SEO landscape, then you have to include recognizable words in your URL. This means keywords, too.

6. Plagiarizing other bloggers

Listen: one of the keystone elements to successful blogging is consistent content. In fact, in one study HubSpot proved that the more you blog the more traffic you will get.
But ask any blogger, doing that over time and the well will eventually run dry. That’s why there are so many blog posts about creativity and overcoming writer’s block.
Bloggers need a ton of ideas!
That’s when the temptation to copy what other bloggers write comes in. (By the way, scrapers are shameless plagiarizers.) But there is no faster way to kill a post and ruin your reputation than to plagiarize.

7. Publishing less than one post per month

Okay, I understand that you are very busy…and that churning out one blog post a month is not easy. But really, the less you post, the less chance your newest post has any chance at gaining traction.
That one blog post every two months is about as good as not blogging at all.
As I mentioned above, the more frequently you post, the more traffic you are going to get. That traffic eventually slows and then dies when you stop posting.
Besides, if Google comes back to your site to check for more content and doesn’t find any…it will back offand it may be a long time before the spiders come back…which sucks for your newest post.

8. Writing big blocks of copy

On an article for Optimizing Marketing Copy for Mobile I found these paragraphs intriguing…especially the one with the arrow pointing at it:
I understand the author isn’t writing for mobile. He’s writing for Mashable. But the same rules that apply for mobile marketing copy…well, pretty much apply across the web.
Writing short paragraphs is a basic blog post writing law. Just like simple words and short sentences. Resort to long blocks of copy and you are stacking the deck against your blog post.

9. Zero presence on any social media platforms

When blogging was the only game in town (see points 3 and 4 in that article I linked to)…well, all you really had to do was blog. There weren’t other social media sites you could leverage like Twitter, Facebook or Google+.
That has all changed.
Hopefully you are on these sites (especially Google+)…and hopefully you are being strategic about how you use these social sites to promote your content. Every post you publish needs a boost from your social media presence.

10. Never inviting readers to leave comments

A post without comments is like that abandoned house down the end of your street…creepy and not to be trusted.
Of course if you are just launching a blog, it may be a few weeks before you get your first comment. But follow all the steps above and that comment will come.
You also have to encourage people to comment. That’s why I end every post I write with a question:
I do this on my blog and every guest post I write.
You will also get comments when you write detailed posts on advanced topics. You may cover a complicated issue that needs a little more explaining…or somebody wants to know how you did something.
That’s okay…you want that.
In the end, good comments give your post proof that people find what you are writing about valuable. And the more comments the better. It’s social proof in action.

11. Writing about a topic nobody cares about

It’s this simple: your post will fall flat on its face if you do not write about what your audience cares about.
The same is true if you try to write about a topic that somebody else is already doing a good job writing about. For example…
  • If you want to write about online copywriting…then you have to do a better job than Copyblogger.
  • Want to write about social media news? Then you have to compete with Mashable or Social Media Examiner.
  • Perhaps SEO is up your alley. If that’s the case, then you have to square off with the likes ofSearch Engine Land or SEOmoz.
Don’t get me wrong…it can be done. Every single one of those blogs started small. But it takes a lot of work, which brings me to my last point.

12. Giving up

In a wonderful post about 21 Tactics to Increase Blog Traffic, Rand Fishkin ends with the tactic of being consistent. He points out that the SEOmoz blog, his personal blog and his wife’s popular Everywhereist blog didn’t really take off until two years had gone by.
Sadly, most people quit about nine months in.
Blogging is hard work…and commitments like job, family or other reasons can overtake your blog. That happens. This is why it is so important to count the costs before starting a blog…because in the end giving up on your blog will kill every post you’ve ever written…and success will not come.


None of what I shared…except the part about social media presence and Google+…is probably new to you. But it’s true…and it has been for years, which means it’s probably not a bad idea to follow, right?
Fortunately, blogging is a level playing field…so anybody can apply the basics and succeed. I mean, if you want a blog that grows year after year…you have to start with the basics…namely, writing a killer blog post. And do that non-stop.

11 July 2012

9 Business Internet Marketing Tips

The Internet has brought media to a global audience. The interactive nature of Internet marketing in terms of providing instant responses and eliciting responses are the unique qualities of the medium. Internet marketing is sometimes considered to be broad in scope because it not only refers to marketing on the Internet, but also includes marketing done via e-mail and wireless media. Now have a look at these tips below I found on sporkmarketing.com.
1. In the words of Ron Simon, “What the hell are you trying to do?” What is the goal of your website? Ultimately, it should be to drive more business, but how exactly will it do that? Start with one goal – such as increasing the number of phone calls – and branch out from there. It’s important to set goals, but it’s just as important to come up with a system for measuring those goals.
2. Evaluate your website’s content – Content is King. What does your website say? Is the content unique and useful? Will people learn anything when they visit your site? When was the last time you added new content? Does your website have content worth reading? Does your content match your business goals?
3. The tag.</strong> Visit your website. Look at the very top of your browser window. What do you see? Does it describe the page you’re looking at? Is it a unique description? Does it contain the keywords you want people to associate with that page of your website? If you’re a local business, does it contain your key local search keywords? If you can’t answer ‘yes’ to all these questions, check out this article all about title tags.</p><p style="padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: justify; "><strong style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; color: rgb(28, 28, 28); ">4. Call tracking and analytics.</strong> You can’t improve upon what you can’t measure. Analytics provide a tremendous amount of incredibly useful data, such as where your website visitors come from, how long they stay, and what they do on your site. Google analytics is free and pretty darn good, and we recommend it. We also recommend you make sure you can track every lead that’s generated by your website.</p><p style="padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: justify; ">If you don’t have a dedicated phone number for the website that you can track calls on, visit Mongoose Metrics. They’ll issue you a unique tracking phone number and then forward every call you get to your main number while tracking the number of calls you receive, who called, how long the call lasted…etc. It’s surprisingly inexpensive.</p><p style="padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: justify; "><strong style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; color: rgb(28, 28, 28); ">5. Take advantage of free local business directories.</strong> There are a few great local business directories that are completely free. Get your business listed in each of the directories below and you’ll see a boost in website visitors and hopefully a boost in business too. (<em style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; ">By the way, we don’t advocate paying for any directory listings anywhere unless you’ve got a very good reason</em>.)</p><p style="padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: justify; "><strong style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; color: rgb(28, 28, 28); ">6. Check out your competition.</strong> Visit your competitors’ websites. Do searches for keywords related to your business. Find out what others in your vertical are doing and saying. This is a great way to get ideas and take stock of your own company’s online marketing efforts.</p><p style="padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: justify; "><strong style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; color: rgb(28, 28, 28); ">7. Repeat after me – “I have an ugly baby.”</strong> A lot of business owners love their websites, but the first step to improving your website is to admit that it has some deficiencies. No website is perfect, and every website can use improvement. <em style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; ">If you have a website, you have an ugly baby</em> [sorry]. Just how ugly your website is, however, is open to discussion.</p><p style="padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: justify; "><strong style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; color: rgb(28, 28, 28); ">8. Start blogging.</strong> Every business, and we mean every business, has something to gain by blogging and absolutely nothing to loose. The list of benefits is long, but here’s a short list of reasons small businesses should blog.</p><p style="padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: justify; "><strong style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; color: rgb(28, 28, 28); ">9. Post online video.</strong> Video is still a little cutting-edge for some, but the benefits can’t be understated. Online video is the wave of the future, and every business needs to have something on YouTube, Metacafe, etc. If you’re concerned about expense here, keep in mind there are some low-budget options that won’t damage your brand while still providing concrete benefits.</p></blockquote><p></p>