21 December 2011

Improve your website trust with customer reviews | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein | Social Media and Website Designs

Improve your website trust with customer reviews | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein | Social Media and Website Designs

If you have an internet marketingagency, you should always encourage your customers to always add real reviews and feedback to their website to give the validation that they provide excellent service. The willingness to post good customer reviews and comments on a website is a clear signal to the visitors of your website that your business is customer focused and will definitely work to create a positive buying experience.
The only problem with this is that most small business owners have is that they don’t have enough systems, time and resources to regularly add new testimonials to their website and blog.  Here’s a couple of ways you can get customer reviews.

19 December 2011

How to connect with your targeted website audience | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein | Social Media and Website Designs

How to connect with your targeted website audience | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein | Social Media and Website Designs

The evaluation of your business is formed as soon as a new visitor arrives to your website or blog. To connect with your website visitors, you will need to understand them. Why did they seek you out? What problems do they have? What are their interests? Will you be able to help them with a solution?
Your website and online profile needs to be trustworthy. A great connection comes from great communication. Good communication is not about talking, it comes from deep understanding. It comes from using a shared landscape that consists of imagery, vocabulary, behavior and symbols. Your website needs to helpful and answer the needs of your visitors.
To connect with your visitors is more than the content on your website. Make the experience visual. Use a video to explain your services and company so that your visitors can get to know you. Another excellent method is by educating your visitors through the usage of blogging, social media, offering free ebooks, and webinars. This is call education based marketing. People usually trust and respect those that teach them.

14 December 2011

The importance of keywords in your domain name | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

The importance of keywords in your domain name | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein
For Search Engine Optimization (SEO), having dedicated keywords in your domain name can definitely give you some benefit and it can influence your ranking as well. Even though when choosing a domain name with keywords in it will help you, the most important part of choosing a domain name is about branding and building trust.
Here’s a couple of tips that can help you with the domain name choosing process

12 December 2011

Things to consider before creating a new website | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

Things to consider before creating a new website | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein
Internet marketing plays a huge role if you want to beat your competitors on the search engines with your website or blog, but is that the only thing you should worry about when you want to launch a new website? A successful website that produces sales is so much more than just a great looking design and concept.
There’s a science connected to having a great website and it involves many things to consider such as on and off page SEO, social media marketing, usability, content, etc. Find below a couple of tips to consider before you create a new website.

07 December 2011

Social media marketing basics | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

Social media marketing basics | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein
If you are a small business owner and you are interested in building brand visibility online, it is very important to that you understand the benefits you can achieve with social media and why it is important to learn and make it part of your overall marketing strategy.
Social media marketing has been around for a long time and only started to pick up momentum a few years ago. If done right, it is an excellent method of getting others to talk about your services and products. Why is social media that important? Here’s a coupe of basic tips that explains this.

05 December 2011

Using keyword research in your website development plan | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

Using keyword research in your website development plan | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein
For many organizations online, keyword research and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is not considered when designing a new website. Doing it this way is completely backwards. When we are developing a new website, the first step is always keyword research.
For your clients, you want a website to have the most appeal to the market you are trying to reach. You don’t just want to attract targeted visitors, you want to engage with them on your website when they arrive. You can accomplish this by developing your website content around what people are searching for online. Here’s a couple of tips we always implement when we are developing a new websites.

01 December 2011

How to create a search engine optimization strategy | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

How to create a search engine optimization strategy | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein
What is the big difference between developing your website with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in place or by adding it on later? Will the results be the same? SEO is all about attracting traffic to your website. SEO can attract targeted people that are searching for your services or products.
Keywords are the heart and soul of any SEO strategy. You need to do proper keyword research and select phrases that are highly relevant to your business and have good traffic volume. These are the phrases that people will be typing into Google to find your business. 99% of searchers online starts with a question and the web is all about information. What if you can provide answers to the people that are looking for your services or expertise?

24 November 2011

Do I really need a social media marketing strategy? | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

Do I really need a social media marketing strategy? | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein
Social media marketing works best when it is used in conjunction with traditional marketing initiatives. By combining social marketing together with traditional strategies, it can increase return visitors, help your SEO (search engine optimization) efforts, strengthen branding efforts, and lower your overall marketing costs.
Even though social media marketing can work on its own, it can work wonders with other internet marketing strategies and it should always be tied back directly with your business objectives. Here’s a couple of tips on why you need a social media marketing strategy.

21 November 2011

Do I really need a social networking strategy? | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

Do I really need a social networking strategy? | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein
Is social networking (Web 2.0) really important for my internet marking strategy? Could it be a permanent campaign or just another trend in our online culture? Should my business embrace social networking and make it part of my internet marketing campaign? Social networking started out as a teenage craze, but an ever increasing number of businesses are putting it work to build up their brand credibility.
In my experience, social networking is here to stay as it is part of the human dynamic. Social media marketing keeps on growing everyday with people to people networks. In the early days of the internet, forums allowed for interaction with one another, collaboration, and discussions. This is a long term trend towards changing the web into a more socializing playground.

17 November 2011

Choosing the right internet marketing agency | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

Choosing the right internet marketing agency | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein
Many businesses makes the mistake of choosing an internet marketing agency before doing any research on what they want, and if the agency has the experience to provide results. Usually, these are agencies with low prices and always promise over the top results.
The only good thing of these agencies are that you can learn from them on what not to choose for your search engine optimization campaign. If you don’t do your research before you choose an internet marketing agency, it could cost you and your business dearly. Find below a couple of tips you can use when choosing the right internet marketing agency for your online marketing initiative.

14 November 2011

How to start a social media marketing campaign | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

How to start a social media marketing campaign | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein
Social Media Marketing is a method to influence the perception of your brand and company via social media channels. It is also used to interact with targeted people that could become your next customers. Social media is also a great way to increase targeted traffic to your website and at the same time increase your search engine rankings on Google.

09 November 2011

How many pages have you got indexed? | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

How many pages have you got indexed? | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein
Did you know that your search engine visibility increases with the number of quality pages that you have and that are indexed by the search engines? You should always try to increase valuable and unique content on your website for on page SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
A few months ago, Google slapped hundreds of websites hard with their Panda update. This included scraper and article syndication websites that were dealing with content that were duplicated and not unique. In my experience, a larger websites with lots of relevant and unique content pages can attract more traffic than a smaller website.

07 November 2011

How to get your website trusted for more business | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

How to get your website trusted for more business | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein
One of the most important factors of having a website is the first impression it leaves on visitors. Does your website look credible, organized and professional? Was the website design done with your business image in mind? Does it reflect your business image? Online, people are judging a book by its cover. If your website looks unprofessional and not trustworthy, then that is most likely the perception that they have of your business.

04 November 2011

The importance of local SEO | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

The importance of local SEO | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein
For internet marketing companies using local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a given. You have most likely heard about local SEO before. What is it exactly? Local SEO is the process of optimizing your website and other online profiles to target a specific audience geographically. Depending on your business and internet marketing strategy, local SEO can give you a good boost on the search engines.

02 November 2011

Building authority with your SMM strategy | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

Building authority with your SMM strategy | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

Most business communication becomes very effective when it is integrated within a clearly defined marketing strategy. Social media marketing is another great way that you can enhance your business communication. Yes this does sound easy, but it will nto work if you don’t have a well planned internet marketing strategy combined with a social media plan that doesn’t engage with targeted audiences. Few internet marketers takes the physical time to really build a solid relationship with their audience and community. Mostly, they are trying to sell to them directly which is a huge mistake.
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01 November 2011

You Tube expands | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

You Tube expands | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein
You Tube, Google’s first online video site is the leader in online video internationally. It is one of the important elements in media for sharing live videos. They are on the verge of implementing 100 new video channels.

28 October 2011

Let’s take a look at Social Media Marketing (SMM) | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

Let’s take a look at Social Media Marketing (SMM) | WSI4All Internet Marketing Bloemfontein
More and more people each day signup for various Social Mediaaccounts. It is clear that humanity have shifted their attention to Social Media. This makes it clear why it is vital to include social media into your organisations marketing structure. The information below was conducted by SEJ, it indicates how much traffic is generated to Facebook which is one of the World’s leading social media platforms.

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27 October 2011

What internet marketing and SEO can do for your business | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

What internet marketing and SEO can do for your business | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein
Internet marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the science and art of getting your website indexed, analyzed and the discovered by the major search engines. It is the process of getting your website ranked on the search engines. 99% of all search queries on the search engines starts with question.

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26 October 2011

Sharing your way on google+ | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

Sharing your way on google+ | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

The people have raised their voices and Google reacted. When sharing information, you obviously would want the correct target group to get the information. One other thing, you also want to have control over your information or posts, Google+ now provides such functionality and this is one of the reasonsGoogle+ plays a vital role in social media.

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24 October 2011

How to build authority with your blog marketing strategy | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

How to build authority with your blog marketing strategy | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein
Personal and brand authority is very important with any social media marketing campaign. This can apply to a service, product, organization or a person. Personal branding is very important in today’s digital market place for a job seeker or a service provider as well. Your personal brand online is how other interesting parties compare you with your peers. The people that doesn’t want to differentiate themselves from the masses will get lost in the noise.

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20 October 2011

Why small businesses should start blogging | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

Why small businesses should start blogging | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein
In my experience, small business owners that wants to grow their business online should start focusing on a blog marketing strategy. Even though blog marketing takes time and commitment if done correctly, you can start building up your brand authority online from day one. The payback can be great!
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18 October 2011

Why your website is not enough for internet marketing | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

Why your website is not enough for internet marketing | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein
A few years ago, by just having a website was enough for a internet marketing strategy. A simple copy and paste website with basic information regarding your business and a contact form was the norm. Those days by just having a plain old boring website was enough to get noticed by others. Those were the old days and just by having a website, you were considered to be a professional. Those days are long gone and welcome to Web 2.0!

17 October 2011

Use both Email and social media platforms. | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

Use both Email and social media platforms. | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein
Social media has become an effective means of communicating and thus plays a vital role in advertising, in fact it serves as an important word of mouth tool since it access is allowed on mobile devices like your cell phones, tablets, iPods etc. But to operate more effectively when coming to sharing information, it’s advisable to stick to the traditional emailing system since most of the older people have not yet settled into the new environment of social media. There is still room for email, according to an article by PMailer.

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13 October 2011

Using a blog as your startup business marketing strategy | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

Using a blog as your startup business marketing strategy | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

An optimized business blog marketing strategy together with a traditional internet marketing strategy is an effective marketing method that you can use when you are starting up a new business. Blogging that is part of the social media hub, is one of the fastest ways of announcing your business and to build up brand authority online. It is a quick method to get the word out about your business and what you do.
With your blog, you can build up your own network. There’s an ever increasing number of people that regularly reads blogs on a daily basis as their source of news and information.

New companies starting out should look into launching a blog combined with their website for maximum exposure.  The blog can be integrated as part of the website, or reside on a sub domain of the main business website – http://blog.yourdomain.com. A combined approach using a blog and a website is usually the fastest approach. You can get a much broader reach by using both. A website and a blog have different functions.

12 October 2011

Blackberry’s 36 Hour of embarrassment | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

Blackberry’s 36 Hour of embarrassment | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein
For Blackberry this has been an embarrassing couple of hours, even without proper communication which made many Blackberryfollowers grumpy and upset. We all understand that technology and platforms do run with enormous restrains and expectations. Blackberry and all its 3rd party partners surely has been monitoring reports and resources needed to run an effective platform to ensure that time outs don’t happen, well at least not this long.

As a great Blackberry fan it concerns me as we are encountering more and more of these “outages” which tell me that not enough planning and development is been implemented to avoid such situations.  This is very concerning as I am aware of many businesses that have become so depended on Blackberry’s to run their businesses, and when Blackberry is down, your business is down.  BBC has reported the following article, Blackberry goes missing, which gave some insight as to how Blackberry & RIM (Research in Motion) handled this issue.
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11 October 2011

The social media buzz | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

The social media buzz | Internet Marketing Bloemfontein

Social Media Marketing (SMM) has been the buzz for many internet marketing professionals. It is here to stay. For a simple explanation, social media is the usage of various social media channels that consists of social networks, blogs, forums, social bookmarking sites, video sharing sites, etc all with a common goal – to facilitate social interaction.
The main aim with social media marketing is engagement with conversation. Conversation is king when it comes to social media as it is user generated. Social media is more like a dialogue unlike traditional marketing methods where communication is a one way process.
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